Acajou / Kaya

Pavel Vetrov

Acajou / Kaya

Acajou / Kaya está disponível em quantidades limitadas nas florestas de madeiras preciosas, localizadas no Congo, Gabão. A árvore possui um tronco direito e cilíndrico qure chega a atingir os 55 metros com um diâmetro de 80 – 100 – 150 cm (por vezes 180 cm).

is available in limited quantities in the forests of Precious Woods, located in the Congo Basin of Gabon. The tree has a straight and cylindrical trunk and reaches up to 55 m with a diameter of 80 – 100 – 150 cm (sometimes 180 cm). The tree has buttress root boards.

The different species of the Khaya-group are difficult to distinguish. Depending on the growing conditions, the appearance and the properties can vary. The heartwood of freshly sawn Acajou has a pink colour. After exposure to light the colour changes to pinkish red or brown red. After years, the colour could be somewhat irregular. The 30-80 mm thick sapwood is yellowish to light pink. When fresh, the colour difference between sapwood and heartwood is not great, but after exposure to the light, it becomes much clearer. The wood structure is often irregular and interlocked. The texture is medium fine to coarse.

Moderately durable